We are happy to announce that the construction of the Church for the Trappist Sisters in Angola has just been finished. Our next project will be to support their pharmacist activities by buying new equipment for them.
We will keep you updated.

The Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (also known as “Trappists”) is a Roman Catholic contemplative religious order. It consists of monasteries of monks and nuns. They are part of the larger Cistercian family which traces its origin to 1098. As Cistercians they follow the Rule of St Benedict, so they are also part of the Benedictine family. Their lives are dedicated to seeking union with God, through Jesus Christ, in a community of sisters or brothers who bring peace in the heart of the Angolan conflict.
Source : https://www.ocso.org/
The Lady of Peace
The first foundation of Valserena, the community of Nasoma Y’Ombembwa, named the Lady of Peace, was founded in 1980. Aimed to respond to a specific request to establish contemplative life even in the heart of Africa, in Angola. A handful of women who bring peace in the heart of the Angolan conflict.
Very soon began to arrive and to persevere the first vocations. The community enlarged itself, but war and poverty prevented the realization of the project of the construction of the monastery.