Global Fund for Forgotten People in Oxfordshire
Global Fund for Forgotten People in Oxfordshire
The Global Fund for Forgotten People was established in 2012 under the auspices of the government of the Order of Malta. The Fund raises awareness and financial support for works of the Order. Its mission is to help build capacity and expand the impact and reach of the hospitable works of the Order throughout the world, enabling the Order of Malta to continue its 900 years old tradition of providing care and relief for the world’s Forgotten wherever suffering is present.
The Global Fund for Forgotten People was founded by the Government of the Sovereign Order of Malta in 2011. The fund raises money for works of the Order of Malta. Reach out to those who would otherwise be forgotten. In partnership with the Order’s national organizations and diplomatic corps, the Fund raises awareness of, and support for, particular issues which have fallen under the radar.
The Fund raises money for a range of Order of Malta projects. The Fund is registered as two legal entities. In England and Wales it is a registered charity (1148427). n the US it has 501(c)(3) status.
The Global Fund for Forgotten People supports projects that go to places where other people don’t go. It tackles the issues that others aren’t tackling and help those that everyone else has forgotten.
The project supported by The Caritas Pro Vitae Gradu Charitable Trust
Outreach for Mothers and Children, Togo
Order of Malta France
High maternal and child mortality are two of the most pressing health issues in Togo, West Africa. The Elavagnon region is of particular concern, and this outreach program for mothers and children addresses this issue by the provision of basic health education and monitoring for pregnant women and those with young children, providing them with dietary plans and practical information to improve child nutrition.
Our grant increased the number of medical staff on the outreach team, increasing the number of outreach visits and the number of isolated villages able to receive this fundamental and life-saving work.
Camp for Young Disabled
French Association of the Order of Malta
The youth camps of the Order of Malta are a huge source of joy and celebration for those that attend, guests and volunteers alike! They showcase the best of the Order’s service to those that society overlooks, going well beyond basic care, and offering young disabled people the opportunity to have a holiday and participate in activities they would not usually be able to access. Many report feeling truly part of society for the first time, and their families emphasise how the effects last well beyond the week, boosting confidence and resilience.
The French National Camp provides young disabled people with a range of cultural and physical activities and the grant funded the purchase of ramps and other accessibility equipment which will also be reused at other events.
Improving Indigenous Living Conditions, Republic of Congo
Order of Malta France
Over 30% of the Likoula’s population are indigenous and 63% live below the poverty line. They are marginalised and vulnerable to severe malnutrition, cholera, tuberculosis, leprosy and measles. Since 2015, Order of Malta France has improved access to healthcare and other basic services with mobile medical outreach clinics to reach remote villages, to provide paediatric surgery and meals for those hospitalised whose families cannot help. Over 21,000 people have been supported to date, however, the work has identified just how significant the needs of this group are, therefore, the healthcare program will scale up in 2018.
This will include: establishing a medical supplies warehouse for effective distribution of vital supplies, two mobile health clinics for remote villages, training for healthcare staff, hygiene education in schools and villages and coordination with the Ministry of Public Health to ensure best practice and effective coordination with other agencies, who have noted both the great need and the success of this program.