
Caritas in Veritate Foundation

The goal of the Foundation is to articulate the positions of the Holy See and the Catholic Church in the international arena of the United Nations, as a contribution to an international culture that prioritizes peace and integral human development. Caritas in Veritate Foundation supports among other the Nuncio’s mission at the United Nations.
Fondation Caritas in Veritate


The Caritas in Veritate Foundation is grounded in Christian values and the social teaching of the Catholic Church. It aims to provide Christian Representatives at the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva with expertise and strategic thinking. By closely collaborating with the Holy See Mission and the Mission of the Order of Malta to the UN, as well as with Catholic-inspired non-governmental organizations, the Foundation contributes to the negotiations and the decision-making processes involved.

The project supported by The Caritas Pro Vitae Gradu Charitable Trust

We support annually the Foundations operational expenses and the assistance to the Nuncio in his role with the United Nations representing the Holy See.
The foundation has three different areas of activities:
The first is to provide, on short notice and at the request of the catholic representatives, high quality expertise on specific topics currently under review at the UN.

  • Proximity to the needs of Ambassadors and Catholic representatives at the UN.
  • A trusted network of highly qualified institutions and professionals.
  • A functioning network of associates, able to deliver an expert report within 3 weeks.

The second field of activity is to commission reports from highly respected research institutes on topics deemed by the foundation as crucial to the ongoing international debate. Selected each year by the Board of the foundation, they also are intended to be relevant to current international events and forthcoming activities at the UN.

The third field of activity consists of preparing ‘side events’ at the UN done at the request of Catholic representatives, in order to give visibility and relevance to these topics at the UN.

  • Ensures a wider coverage of the positions taken by Catholic representatives.
  • Gives the opportunity to develop the understanding of the Catholic position on a specific point.
  • Gives Catholic representatives the possibility of bringing to Geneva world class experts to present or explain their positions.


The foundation aims to provide the representatives of the Holy See, the Order of Malta and Catholic NGOs in Geneva with practical knowledge and with the rich experience of experts searching for an effective attainment of truth and justice.
The aim is to make the positions of the Catholic Church more understandable and visible, thus increasing their impact on the elaboration of international culture and law.
Thanks to its research capability and to its commitment to excellence, the aims of the Foundation are to humanize international life by contributing the perspective of the Catholic faith and the priority given to the human person.

The Caritas in Veritate Foundation is grounded in Christian values and the social teaching of the Catholic Church. The latter is predicated upon the ethical foundation of natural law and the complementarity of faith and reason. Drawing upon collaboration with international experts, the foundation promotes and disseminates the contributions of Christian social teaching in the international arena.

With respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms, the Foundation promotes:

  • The dignity of the human person…Free and responsible.
  • The family…As the centre and source of social life, the first and vital cell of society.
  • Solidarity…Which binds all human beings together and makes us responsible to one another.
  • The common good…Based on a just international order, as the purpose driving all political and economic activity.
  • Subsidiarity…Which ensures the common good at all levels of society.
  • The value of human life…A firm commitment to protect all human life from its beginning to its end.
  • The value of human labour rooted in the fulfilment of the worker as a person.
  • Universal destination of goods and private property…The necessary balance between private property and the universal destination of goods.
  • A preferential option…For the poor and the marginalized.
  • Topics relevant to international politics and in line with the agenda of the UN.
  • Capacity to pre-empt future dialogue.
  • Capacity to propose solutions.
  • Implementation and coordination among Catholic representatives through closed seminars at the UN.
  • Distribution of reports through the Caritas in Veritate Working Papers

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We support activities in a variety of sectors in the social field, more specifically the relief of poverty, the improvement of education, the access to health services, the assistance to migrants and refugees, the protection of families and life