Ethiopian Catholic University in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Catholic University
The Ethiopian Catholic University of St. Thomas Aquinas “ECUSTA” managed by the LA SALLE Congregation seeks to become a reputable international training institution.
Recognizing the need for strong and visionary African leadership, the former Ethiopian Prime Minister, Sir Hon. Meles Zenawi, in 1997 asked Pope St. John Paul II to establish a Catholic University in Ethiopia to address the acute educational needs throughout the country. The University was focusing mainly on health and medical services. The Ethiopian Catholic University (ECU) was conceived not only as a place to advance academic insight. But also, to equip compassionate individuals with practical leadership and expert skills permitting them to service their country.
The Catholic Church and the LA SALLE Congregation have a long history of providing quality education and health care in Ethiopia. Over 400 primary and secondary schools, ranking among the best in the country, are managed by the Catholic Church, and 76 health centers and four hospitals provide health services to some of the most underserved areas of the country.
“To impart an open, free and humanistic education to students who meet the standards regardless of confessional affiliation. Help expand the horizons of knowledge, and wisdom through the rigorous exchange of ideas. Provide education to trained and skilled persons in relevant fields of specialization for the material, intellectual and spiritual development of Ethiopian society, to engage in research for the needs of the nation.”
The project supported by The Caritas Pro Vitae Gradu Charitable Trust
As the University is now counting over 400 students, we are supporting the construction of the University kitchen and a large cafeteria to welcome the students and teachers.